In light of recent developments involving Telegram’s founder, Pavel Durov, we want to reassure the world that the TON community remains steadfast in its commitment to freedom of speech and the ideals of decentralization.

Pavel Durov has long championed these fundamental principles, and we stand in solidarity with him during this period of uncertainty. His dedication to fostering a free and open internet has inspired countless individuals, and we believe his work will continue to impact the digital landscape for years to come.Our community remains focused and resolute in pursuing these shared values.

Together, we will continue to build and uphold the mission of decentralization and freedom across the globe. We encourage everyone to stay united, remain focused, and keep progressing as we move through this moment together.

Your ongoing support is invaluable to our mission.Sincerely,

The TON Community

#Toncommunity #decentralization #FreedomOfSpeech #PavelDurov #BlockchainForAll $TON