Golden Finance reported that according to the French news website TF1, Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in France and detained by agents of the French National Anti-Fraud Office. Durov was arrested after traveling from Azerbaijan with a woman and his bodyguard to Paris Le Bourget Airport, which specializes in serving private jets. According to reports, based on preliminary investigations, OFMIN, France's investigative agency against child sexual exploitation, issued a search warrant for him. News reports indicate that Durov usually rarely travels in Europe, perhaps to avoid being detained in this way, as the news website noted that his arrest warrant is only valid on French territory. TF1 predicts that Durov may see an investigating judge on Saturday night and then may be indicted on Sunday on charges of "...multiple crimes: terrorism, drugs, conspiracy, fraud, money laundering, receiving stolen goods, child crime content," and possibly more. An investigator from France’s National Anti-Fraud Office (ONAF), which has Durov in custody, said: “Pavel Durov will end up in pretrial detention, that’s for sure… countless crimes were allowed to take place on his platform, and he did nothing to mitigate or cooperate with it.”