Hello friends ,

Pavel Durov, founder of instant messaging app Telegram and TON Blockchain network, was detained by police at Le Bourget Airport in France. The arrest, which started the moment Durov got off his plane, brought about major discussions about Telegram and TON Blockchain network.

Pavel Durov, founder of instant messaging app Telegram and TON Blockchain network, was detained at Le Bourget Airport near Paris, France. Following Durov’s arrest, the price of Toncoin (TON), the native cryptocurrency of the TON Blockchain network, dropped.

Toncoin Falls After Durov's Arrest

Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of popular messaging app Telegram, was arrested at Le Bourget Airport near Paris, France. The 39-year-old Russian entrepreneur was detained by French authorities while arriving from Azerbaijan on his private jet.

The arrest warrant for Durov came into effect the moment he stepped onto French soil. It was announced that Durov, who is wanted as part of a preliminary investigation by the French National Criminal Investigation Department, was traveling with a bodyguard and a woman.

According to authorities, the extensive use of the Telegram platform by criminal organizations and Durov's refusal to cooperate in this matter made him a suspect. In particular, it was alleged that Telegram's features such as disposable phone numbers and cryptocurrency transfers paved the way for various illegal activities.

According to sources familiar with the investigation, Durov rarely travels in Europe and generally stays away from areas where Telegram is under surveillance. It is not yet known whether Durov's arrival in Paris was planned or a mistake.

Durov appeared before a magistrate in France following his arrest. He is expected to face serious charges of terrorism, drug trafficking, aiding a criminal organization, fraud and money laundering. The sources said Durov will definitely be held in custody.

📌So what's the truth? Was he arrested for refusing to cooperate with French authorities, or is he really a crime machine?

#TON Bad days may have begun for him! #Durov Will he be released?

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