⚠️Due to the arrest of Telegram's founder, the price of $TON plummeted. As of the time of posting, the highest drop was 20%, and the current drop was 16%. The market fluctuated greatly, so please pay attention to the risks!

The market should be worried that $FTT will become a black swan like the mines buried by Solana and Luna when FTX exploded.

The short-term rise of the market itself is also a bit hindered. $BNB has been operating quite comfortably recently, but I personally feel that the impact should be short-term and will not have a particularly large impact on the currency circle, because the interests involved in the TON series in the currency circle are not particularly large. In addition, large fluctuations mean large market conditions. The opportunity is here, brothers!

At present, I have opened a Ton spot grid after the decline, and the other part is ready to continue short-term spot trading

Figure 1 BNB, Figure 2 TON sold position after two minings

#Telegram创始人被抓 #新币挖矿TON