**News Flash: Big Tech's Next Frontier - Consumer Robotics**

The tech industry is buzzing with excitement as consumer robotics emerges as the next big thing. Analysis of the top ten tech firms by market cap shows a significant shift towards robotics, moving beyond chatbots and AI.

- **Robots in Demand**: From dancing robots to household helpers, consumers have long awaited practical, everyday robots. The dream of a "Rosie the Robot" from "The Jetsons" might soon be reality.

- **Nvidia Leads the Charge**: Nvidia, a key player in AI, recently saw an 11% stock spike after unveiling updates to its robotics platform. Analysts predict its market cap could soar to $10 trillion in five years.

- **Industry-Wide Investment**: All top tech companies are ramping up investments in robotics. Tesla and Apple have announced plans to release consumer robots in the near future.

With AI and robotics rapidly advancing, the question remains: how soon will we see personal robot housekeepers in our homes? Stay tuned for updates from Nvidia's earnings call on Sep. 28.