I feel like the bull market is coming. Currently, I mainly hold BNB, SOL, BTC, and SUI.

A small amount of Ton and Banana (earned from BNB mining).

On July 20, I exchanged all the ETH in my Binance account at a price of about 3500U into 0.85U of SUI.

There are about 10 ETH staked on the chain. I hope that the withdrawal can be released as soon as possible and it can be exchanged for Ton.

If blockchain is to be implemented, what will happen to ETH, which is expensive and slow?

Some people say, isn't there a secondary chain? The problem is that other people's primary chains can do it, why do we need your ETH + secondary chain? Some people may say that your Sol, Sui is too centralized, just like the secondary chain on ETH is not centralized.

ETH's numerous secondary chains are like vampires crawling on ETH to suck its blood, making ETH more and more fragmented.

I feel that the problems caused by the secondary chain are more than the problems it is going to solve.

Blockchain must eventually be implemented and cannot always float in the air. I feel that Sol and Sui are both strong competitors with fast speeds, low fees, and new technologies.