[DomiChain and FailSafe collaborate to enhance DomiChain’s commitment to security and reliability] On August 24, blockchain platform DomiChain has partnered with cybersecurity company FailSafe to enhance its security infrastructure. FailSafe will provide DomiChain with the following key services: Comprehensive security review: FailSafe’s experts will conduct an in-depth assessment of DomiChain’s current architecture. This review aims to identify potential vulnerabilities and risks. Threat model development: By creating a threat model, FailSafe will identify deficiencies and recommend security enhancements. This proactive approach ensures DomiChain’s resilience against cyber threats. Source code audit: The FailSafe team will carefully review DomiChain’s source code, looking for any security vulnerabilities. Their expertise will help strengthen the platform’s defenses. Support and implementation: FailSafe promises to assist DomiChain in resolving security vulnerabilities. Their guidance will lead to effective solutions and strong security practices.