From yesterday until midnight, we repeatedly prompted to go long at low levels. Under the volatile market, especially with precise control of the points, the pie reached a maximum of around 27900 in the morning, and Ether also touched a maximum of around 1655. . However, all the ideas we gave during the day and at midnight yesterday have been verified. The pie has gained more than 600 points in total, and the ether has gained nearly 30 points in total.

Judging from the four-hour line, the currency price is currently running above the middle track. After the second consecutive positive K, there are also signs that the bulls are slightly weak. The current overall situation is still in a wide range of shocks, and neither the longs nor the shorts are very strong. Continuity, the red energy column of the bulls has also shrunk slightly, the currency price is currently consolidating at a high level, and the third line of the KDJ indicator has a downward trend. Judging from the hourly line, the currency price is currently running near the upper rail. After the five consecutive positives, the currency price has been under pressure on the upper rail many times. There is also a downward trend, indicating that the pressure from above is still strong and effective.

The breakfast pancake is directly around 27,800, and the target is 27,200.

Ether 1665-1655 can be directly empty, and the target is 1615. #ETH #BTC #fdusd $BTC $ETH