McDonald’s official Instagram page hacked, promoting a fraudulent cryptocurrency

McDonald’s official Instagram page was hacked by hackers to promote a scam using a fake cryptocurrency linked to the Solana network.

The hackers used the hacked account to promote a fake cryptocurrency called “GRIMACE,” which quickly rose to $30 million in market value, but then crashed after it was discovered to be a scam.

In another development, the account of “Guillaume Huynh,” McDonald’s market manager, was also hacked, as it was used to advertise McDonald’s experiment on the Solana platform.

Despite the deletion of the fake posts from social media, the hackers managed to obtain about $700,000 worth of SOL cryptocurrency.

According to data from, the market value of the fake currency dropped to only $1 million after the crash.

It is worth noting that “Grimacecoin” goes back to the character “Grimace,” a fictional character who first appeared in the 1970s and has been embodied in recent years through McDonald’s products such as the “Grimace Shake,” which has become widely popular on the Internet. Previously, McDonald’s had sparked controversy when it jokingly suggested that Tesla accept the non-existent “Grimacecoin” currency.