Recently, the altcoin bull market has started. Have you all made money? Let's take a look at the recent public strategies.

The spot recommendations are $LISTA 0.4 and $DOGE 0.103, which are currently profitable.

After $AUCTION , $TRX, and $FTT surged, everyone has been notified to escape the top at high positions.

The contract recommendations are BNB, REN, WLD, and BTC. Those who entered the long position at BNB575 also made a lot of money, and the big cake band strategy also made a lot of money.

Of course, there are gains and losses in this market. REN was hit and I am currently trapped in the short position of WLD. Those who have entered the market can consider covering their positions near 2. If they break through directly and stand on the stop loss, they will stop the loss.

I am not a perpetual profit god, but the overall profit is still greater than the loss. The public strategy is often not notified in place. Many friends do not know when to exit and often turn profitable orders into losses. Our small family notifies the entry and exit points. Those who want to follow the operation can find me through the main business.

Without further ado, I wish you all a big profit in the bull market😘