We are in the last bull season in cryptos. There is no need to be a bear at any step. A bearish psychology will cash out x2 x3 in a bull. Try not to look at your investments until 2025 as much as possible. Don't get too hung up on whether it goes up, down, up. What matters is our goals and dreams. If you have the power, add it to the declines and stay on top of your assets.

Why do I say the last bull?

BTC, It is not unheard of for gold to stand still when it starts a bull run in the past. It was seen this season!

When the bull ends, there will be over 10M cryptocurrencies in the market and the money in the sector will continue to divide continuously. As it divides, the profit rates will decrease.

We are finishing this job this season!🔥

I am with you with all my heart!❤️