CKB releases the public lightning network Fiber Network light paper, Fiber will be launched next week for testing

CKB releases the next-generation public lightning network Fiber Network light paper. Fiber Network is a next-generation public lightning network built on Nervos CKB and off-chain channels, which can provide fast, low-cost and decentralized multi-currency payments and peer-to-peer transactions for RGB++ assets. At present, Fiber Network has completed prototype development and realized the basic functions of creating, updating and closing channels between two nodes. It also verifies the cross-chain function with the Bitcoin Lightning Network. It will be launched next week for testing.

Similar to the Bitcoin Lightning Network, Fiber Network, as a second-layer payment channel expansion solution, conducts transactions off-chain to increase transaction speed and reduce fees while maintaining the security and decentralization of the blockchain. Fiber Network supports multiple types of assets. In addition to CKB native tokens, any RGB++ assets can be paid on Fiber Network. The overall architecture of Fiber Network includes core modules such as off-chain payment channels, on-chain contracts, multi-hop routing and monitoring services. #BTC #CKB #闪电网络