Marlin is excited to announce a collaborative partnership with @ThreeProtocol, a project focused on building private, secure, and fraud-resistant eCommerce tools. This collaboration aims to leverage Marlin's verifiable computing technology to further strengthen Three Protocol's decentralized marketplaces, including Jobs3.

Three Protocol utilizes Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) through ZKi3s to offer users control over their data and enable on-chain reputation without KYC. Marlin's Kalypso, a ZKP generation marketplace, can potentially provide Three Protocol with access to a competitive network of hardware providers, reducing the cost and time associated with generating ZKPs for ZKi3s.

Furthermore, Marlin's Oyster, an open platform for deploying secure computations within Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs), offers the potential for Three Protocol to explore enhanced security for its Tri-Proof Smart Contracts. This could involve isolating sensitive computations within TEEs, further protecting them from manipulation.

By exploring the combining of Three Protocol's innovative ZKi3s and Tri-Proof Smart Contracts with Marlin's ZKP generation and TEE capabilities, this partnership has the potential to significantly improve user privacy, security, and transaction efficiency within Three Protocol's decentralized marketplaces.

We look forward to working closely with Three Protocol to explore the full potential of this collaboration and contribute to the development of a secure and private future for decentralized commerce.