X, Telegram & YouTube are Crypto's Top Social Platforms... 📱💬🎥

84% of crypto users spend most of their time on X, Telegram, and YouTube.

41.7% of the community primarily uses X, making it the leading platform. 🐦

21.5% spend most of their time on Telegram, while 20.8% favor YouTube. 🎥

...and Also the Main Sources of News 📰

73.8% get their crypto news from X, Telegram, and YouTube.

34.4% turn to X for crypto news, 23.4% to YouTube, and 16% to Telegram. 💬

6.8% use Discord, and 4.5% prefer Reddit, though these are less popular for news. 🗨️

These findings from a @CoinGecko survey highlight how integral these platforms are to the crypto community, not just for social interaction but also as key information sources. https://www.coingecko.com/research/publications/crypto-community-media-usage

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