Execute at the next point.


Direction long

Entry position 0.0042-0.0046

Stop loss position 0.004

Target position 50-60

Overall bullish, small pullbacks without getting on the train can continue to go long, mew


Direction long

Entry position 0.43-0.40

Stop loss position 0.38

Target position 0.5-0.6-0.68

If you have long orders for this coin, you can continue to hold it, but the pressure at 0.6 is obvious, and there may be a small pullback. You can go long around 0.52-0.55, and stop loss if it falls below 0.5.

max, this market has a high risk of short orders, so don't do short orders. Judging from the current trend, there is a high probability that it will rise sharply, and focus on the pressure around 0.38. Strong pressure 0.48. max

sui, those who have this coin can continue to hold it. The current price is 0.87. Those who haven't bought it can continue to buy it. The entry point is around 0.85, and the stop loss is 0.82. For short-term contracts, pay attention to reducing positions around 0.92. The previous pressure is 1.1. sui

rats, you can consider going long at around 10, and stop loss below 98. If it stands firmly at 10, it will see 13. The strong pressure is around 15. #美联储何时降息?