🚨🚨🚨Recently, small-cap currencies such as rare, sys, voxel, and alpaca have been very popular. Many spot and contract players have made a lot of money, with an increase of more than 50%. Everyone thinks that before the interest rate cut, the price of BTC will fluctuate between 58,000 and 61,000, which is relatively stable. In this market, small-cap currencies tend to rise easily.

Binance is also adding fuel to the fire, wanting everyone to be more enthusiastic about small currencies and relieve the market's selling pressure on VC coins and altcoins. There are still 26 days before the meeting to determine the interest rate cut in September, and small-cap currencies may still have opportunities during this period.

It is recommended to pay attention to AP13. After August 17, the daily line began to rise quietly. The circulation volume is about 83.5%, and it has not been unlocked recently. This coin focuses on the oracle field. There has been news about the 0EV network in the past 40 days. There has been no major events in the past 10 days, and the chip structure is not bad.

VAH3.143, VAL1.322, POC 1.578, just out of the weak zone. You can consider buying in the 1-hour or 4-hour callback range, and make a profit before the interest rate cut. If you are interested, you can do your own research. Invest with caution and be responsible for your own choices.

#杰克逊霍尔年会 #新币挖矿DOGS


#RARE #doge⚡