

Today, a young man asked me, your copycat will soon make back the investment, it has risen so fiercely!

I said it would be fine if you didn't mention it, I forgot about it, but when you mentioned it, I felt sad again!

In fact, I also asked myself in my heart, do those copycats that are trapped still have a future, can they still make back the investment? ? ?

In half a year, the overall copycat position has retreated more than 2 million RMB! I reviewed some of them: there are two reasons for the loss: 1. It is based on the fact that the market at the beginning of the year was too good, BTC has been pulling up the market, and the copycat is also thumping. Even if the exchange is inserted, it will soon recover the decline. So in this environment, I lost my judgment on the big market, thinking that this year's market will have a super bull market, ignoring the Fed's interest rate hikes, interest rate cuts, and the linkage of US stocks. 2. I was too lazy in operation. Many times after making back the investment and making a profit, I was too lazy to move, so I wanted to make a diamond hand, but I was trapped again and again, and there was no bottom!

It’s so painful, really, all tears. More than 2 million is enough for me to buy lottery tickets and win 10,000 prizes! ! !
