#美联储何时降息? #BNB金铲子挖矿

In the course of investing in copycat spot, I have encountered the dilemma of being locked up by up to 30%, and in the past half month, my position has continued to fluctuate around 20% in floating losses. This means that there are a lot of opportunities in the market, allowing investors to buy these copycat spot at a price 20% lower than my average cost.

However, there is often a gap between theory and reality. For those investors who have never been involved in the copycat spot market before, the recent market volatility has undoubtedly exacerbated their hesitation and fear. Even when faced with a seemingly more favorable buying point - the price is lower than my average cost, they may still choose to wait and see rather than act decisively.

The reason behind this is that investors' mentality is often affected by past experience and current market sentiment. For investment areas that have never been experienced, especially when the market is volatile, people tend to hesitate due to uncertainty, and even if the opportunity is right in front of them, it is difficult to take that step. Therefore, although the buying opportunity seems obvious from the numbers, in actual operation, investors' behavior is often affected by more complex psychological factors.

I have been committed to maximizing the benefits of the bull market by presetting the bull market situation, rolling the position, or holding the spot for a long time, reducing risks, and managing the position. And explore the ten-fold and hundred-fold coins. Interested can find the nest through the concise