IMF Allegedly Predetermined XRP Price in Thousands, Claims XRP Community Leader

Edo Farina, a prominent figure in the XRP community, has made a startling claim: the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has supposedly set XRP's price in the thousands. Farina’s bold assertion has ignited a heated debate about the IMF’s influence on cryptocurrency pricing.

Farina’s Claim: IMF Sets XRP PriceAccording to Farina, the IMF determined XRP's value years ago, comparing it to the way gold prices are set twice daily.

However, the IMF has not confirmed any involvement in cryptocurrency price-setting, leaving Farina’s claim unverified and speculative.Controversy and DebateThe claim, allegedly sourced from a friend of financial expert Linda P. Jones, has stirred controversy. Farina suggested that central banks and the IMF agreed on XRP's price years ago. Yet, without concrete evidence, this remains a contentious topic. Linda P. Jones has denied knowledge of these statements, adding to the skepticism within the XRP community.Price fixing in the crypto world is highly debated, with experts arguing that a predetermined price for XRP or any digital asset is implausible. The IMF’s role is generally focused on national reserves and exchange rates, not individual asset prices.

Ripple’s Position and Legal ChallengesRipple, the company behind XRP, uses the cryptocurrency to enable rapid liquidity in cross-border transactions. XRP serves as a "bridge asset," facilitating transfers between different fiat currencies through Ripple’s network. Despite ongoing legal battles with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission over market manipulation charges, Ripple remains committed to integrating XRP into various financial services.