Trading Jianghu: The Heart of Getting Rich Quickly, the Game of the Brave

In this turbulent financial battlefield, some people laugh at the explosion of positions as floating clouds, but they are afraid of the peak of profits. When losing money, the mind can only recover slowly, and the vision gradually becomes short-sighted. A small profit of 50% is collected, fearing that it will be lost again. Little do they know that this cautious move quietly makes the road to recovering the capital longer and longer, and the good opportunity is missed, and the abyss of loss is deepened.

Looking back at the father of Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto, he was in trouble at first, and his paintings drifted with the tide, and eventually lost his own style. Fortunately, he was awakened and resolutely abandoned the profit of fast food and cultivated the works with connotation. Although he was in trouble for a while and almost in despair, the wind and cloud under his pen finally became a great work. "Naruto" was born, and the legend of the comics world was created. Just imagine, without this change, how could there be today's glory?

The road to trading is the same. The original intention is precious. It may be the dream of wealth and freedom. However, under setbacks, the original intention gradually becomes lost. Only the word "return" lingers in the mind, and small profits are enough. This is a taboo. The market is dangerous. It is difficult to resist the storm without the desire to get rich quickly, and it is impossible to win without the ambition of financial freedom. The balance of profit and loss can only be fair with this heart as the weight.

The poor pursue skills, and the rich pursue courage. If you want to change your destiny, you must first build a rich heart. Look at the legend of the fat house, fighting against the bull with ten thousand gold, cutting positions in false breakthroughs, and moving forward. The millions of funds are almost gone. Finally, when the wind rises, heavy positions are attacked, and the sea of ​​coins is traveled, and extraordinary achievements are achieved. This is not accidental, but a dance between the brave and the wise, which is not something that those who are content with petty profits can achieve.

The weakness of human nature, emotions as shackles, loss aversion, and the pain of gaining and losing again make people tremble. However, in the trading field, the brave are fearless, with cards in hand, dare to go all in, not moved by small profits, just for the magnificent victory. On the contrary, people only want to get back their capital and are happy with small profits, but they will never become great.

Therefore, the way to trade lies in determination, courage, and the persistent pursuit of the dream of getting rich quickly. Without this, it is not enough to break out of the cocoon and soar into the sky. For more first-hand information, click me! Free!

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