Here is 8 main mistakes that will save you tons of money

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1/➫ Don't run for pumps

❍ Market is full of opportunities now, and sometimes it's overwhelming as new tokens/narratives are launched daily.

❍ However, it's important to be careful cause the rotations in the bull market are very risky

❍ It's always better to stick to one solid trend and not chase a bunch of false opportunities

2/➫ Don't do anything without a strategy

❍ If you really think that you can just invest money in some coin, it will skyrocket, and you'll make a lot of money - you're naive.

❍ You need a strategy and a plan; it's foolish to just rely on luck, better to spend a few hours for research

3/➫ Don't do blindly trading

❍ This rule is somewhat similar to the previous one but more specific.

❍ Always research the token you are investing in, look at the tokenomics, the project's narrative, consider basic TA, and then you will make your first profit

4/➫ Don't get to greedy

This is a mistake many make when, after a 5-10x profit, you wait for more, aiming for 100x, and end up losing everything.

Always secure your profits in stages, and then, 8/10 of your deals will either break even or be profitable.

5/➫ Don't over rotate

❍ When you finally achieve a 10x or more return, never immediately put it all into another altcoin, as that would be like gambling in a casino.

❍ Secure your profit, put a % into stablecoins, and continue to look for new opportunities.

6/➫ Don't quit now

❍ We've already survived the bear market; now is a golden time for earning.

❍ No matter how tired you are, don't quit. Because the only thing guaranteed in life is that if you don't chase what you want, you are losing.

Stay strong, cheers folks!




