Odaily Planet Daily News: Floki officially apologized to the community for the Simon's Cat pre-sale "flip" incident on the X platform. It is reported that Floki said that it has caught some evidence of attackers trying to exploit loopholes and violate Launchpad's violations. In order to solve the problem, the purchase shares made by these bad actors during the initial pre-sale (a total of US$223,815.20) were revoked, and a second pre-sale was subsequently created to cater to TokenFi Champion-level users who were negatively affected by their behavior. However, the attackers became more aggressive and tried to buy the second pre-sale with robots again. Therefore, the official believes that canceling the pre-sale completely is the fundamental solution. At present, the Floki core team has decided that Floki will pay US$223,815.20 to the Simon's Cat team and give it to every compliant user who was at the Champion level when the snapshot was taken for free.