Analysis of ETH BTC market on August 23, review today, the profit of following the long orders of Ethereum last night was more than 200%.

Last night was also a one-sided market. As long as many people read the post and opened long orders, they earned 100% to 200%. Many people also asked me to open Bitcoin. The profit of long Bitcoin is also good, because the trend chart is still very accurate, and both trend charts are uniformly bullish. What else can I say? Detailed guidance on operation is hurry up.

In combination with the trend chart, there are still two trend lines that are moving upward. The operation is mainly low-to-long. The technical indicators last night were not very clear. If the technical indicators and trend charts are uniformly upward tonight, it means that there will be a big rise. If the technical indicators are still downward, it is possible that it will still fluctuate in the range of 2550-2700, and Bitcoin will fluctuate in the range of 59000-61500.

If you like to do Bitcoin and Ethereum, please pay attention. There are no detailed guidance posts every day. Hurry up. BTC daily line is still bullish, so the general direction of operation is mainly low-to-long.