Actually, I have wanted to write about this topic for a long time. I just traveled everywhere. In the past month, I went to Bangkok, Pattaya, and Kuala Lumpur. After returning to China, I went to Chengdu and Wuyi Mountain. Traveling around is not just for fun. There are also friends who made money and moved out. Wherever I go, there are coin friends. We chat together and talk about industry development and the future!

Let's get back to the point. Actually, I feel sorry for the new investors who entered the market in this bull market. As soon as they entered the market, they saw the prosperity of the copycats. Before and after the New Year, everything they bought from the copycats went up. They felt like they were the best among men. Especially since every analyst is making a fortune. The contract orders are several thousand percent. Who wouldn't be tempted?

In fact, if we open the daily K-line ourselves, Bitcoin and Ethereum have basically started to rise unilaterally since January last year. Even a fool can make money if you enter the market when the market falls back unilaterally. You will make a profit if you are trapped and hold on. Now do you realize that you are also an analyst!

Now many investors are exhausted and have suffered losses. Basically, the copycat investors have suffered losses of more than 50%. If you have not lost so much, congratulations, you are one of the lucky 20%!

Are you familiar with the saying that if you buy a lot of altcoins at a low price, you will double the price quickly? I believe this is the self-brainwashing rhetoric of many bloggers and many leeks. What about the current price of coins? The weekly line of altcoins keeps breaking new bottoms. In July, many altcoins fell sharply and their weekly lines were already at previous lows. Many analysts said that they were already at previous lows and could be bought. However, it did not take long for the rebound to happen. In August, the price of Bitcoin and Ethereum fell again, and the altcoins broke their previous lows again!

In the preface of the intraday analysis, I mentioned that when the cottage rebounds, it is time to sell, and we know how to go to the strong and keep the weak. After the recent big drops, the cottage rebounded and hit a new low again. Many people thought that they had lost so much, so they waited a little longer, and waited for another new low to come out. They could only watch their accounts shrink!

It is a bit difficult for those who have full positions in altcoins to recover their investment this year. The altcoins have generally fallen by 60%-70%. If you think that the liquidity was so small in the early stage, the dealer has already pulled all the money that should be pulled, and has already sold all the money that should be sold. Now the unlocked coins have been cashed out, and the leeks have been cut and the money has gone into their pockets. Do you still want to pull it back for everyone to recover your investment? Then why do dealers issue tokens? Just be a bodhisattva!

Don't have any illusions about copycats. You will know the value of the big cake only after you lose money. We are not in the circle for gambling. This industry is purely for investment. If you don't choose the right investment target, the final destination is to lose money and leave the circle. Finally, you can say that it is a blockchain scam!

Now the big difference is that some people think the bull has not come yet, while some people think it has already come! Both sides hold their own views.

I prefer the latter. Bitcoin has risen to 70,000, but the bull market hasn't come yet? How much will it rise before the bull market comes? Besides, isn't the spot market just about waiting for the bull market to come? Is there any point in waiting for the bull market to come and then admitting that the bull market has come and then entering the market?

In June last year, when we talked about the end of the bear market and the beginning of the bull market, many people were still skeptical. I just checked the K-line at that time, it was only 2.6w. When it rose to 50,000 or 60,000 this year, everyone was shouting that the bull market is coming and they should get on board. What were you going to do at that time? To take over the market?

Old fans all know that last year, the square often sent messages to everyone to buy Bitcoin, and even when the market fell sharply, I would let everyone buy and lose money. I also constantly replenished everyone's faith in Bitcoin. However, Bitcoin did not disappoint me in this large-scale correction. The decline from the highest point to the lowest point was only 33 points. At the current price, it has only fallen by 18 points. Isn't it more resistant to decline than the copycat?

I have experienced two rounds of bull and bear markets, and have seen too many copycats go to zero, including the copycats I bought myself. So in this round of bull market, I sincerely advise everyone to play big and stay away from copycats!

It is not age but experience that makes people grow! I hope this article can help everyone. Remember: stay away from copycats and embrace the big cake!