Whether an event can succeed is closely related to the strength of your determination.

If your determination is strong enough, your endurance is long enough, and your courage to overcome difficulties and setbacks is sufficient, then the probability of your success is relatively high, otherwise the success rate will be greatly reduced.

If you believe that you can do anything, you will be omnipotent. If you doubt that you can do anything, you will accomplish nothing. (It should be combined with reality. This is just to promote a self-confident and positive spirit. For example, you cannot believe that you can fly, so you will fall down, or you believe that you can become the richest man in the world. These are all seriously out of touch with reality. You should believe that there is a probability of achieving the goal after bold challenges)

Pull up enough courage and perseverance, and fight boldly. Don't wait until you are old to feel sad that you can't do this or that.

If you don't work hard to achieve something, when you are old, your own children will silently despise you in their hearts, and even look down on you, not to mention outsiders.