Last night, the revised non-farm payrolls data whetted the market's appetite, but it was just hype by a certain investment bank. A certain US investment bank said that this data may trigger recession concerns and so on, and everyone was very worried. Now we know that these investment banks got the report in advance. The question you have to ask yourself is: if this is profitable for them, if this information can really make money, why don't they keep it secret? They won't share it. And the fact that they choose to share it means that they want others to trade it, because they don't think it is profitable. After the data was released, the employment number was indeed revised down, indicating that employment is weak, but this is just a known fact. Almost every time this year, the non-farm payrolls have been revised down. This investment bank did this just to attract more business for itself. More people trading means more profits. The market reaction to this data was also very small. The stock market basically did not move and only rose slightly. The US dollar fell slightly but not much, and US bonds rose slightly, which is no different from the market performance in the past few days. So what I want to say is to be careful about the information shared by these investment banks. Don't trust them to share profitable information with you. If they share it for free, the information is likely to be worthless.