QUICK market analysis:

The trend is clear: 1H, 2H, and 4H charts all show strong bulls.

Core long and short price: 0.03000, hold this position, and the daily level bulls control the overall situation.

Spot contract Junyang👉@Square-Creator-38f0acad4

Upward challenge: Pay attention to the upper pressure of 0.03712 and 0.04432. Whether it breaks through or not determines the direction of long and short.

Lower support: The solid defense line is at 0.02944, 0.02883 and 0.02635. Analyze rationally and avoid blindly chasing the rise.

Still the same sentence 🍜Picture🈶Wealth code #QUICK $QUICK #QUICK.智能策略库🥇🥇 #QUICK.24小时交易策略 #QUICK、每日智能策略 #QUICX—24小时交易策略