U.S. presidential candidate Harris has publicly expressed a positive stance on promoting the development of cryptocurrency. This statement undoubtedly demonstrates the United States’ firm commitment to cryptocurrency as a future strategic development focus.

However, when it comes to Harris’ background, his profound legal foundation and professional experience are thought-provoking. In the eyes of the public, leaders with legal expertise and involvement in politics are often known for their rigor and iron fist, such as Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, whose legal system is strict and efficient. Therefore, the outside world has both expectations and a cautious attitude towards how Harris will use legal means to control the cryptocurrency market, which is still showing "wild growth".

With Biden's withdrawal, Harris has emerged like a dark horse. Her female identity, ethnic minority background, outstanding political talents and relatively young age constitute a unique electoral advantage, making her the ideal candidate to defeat Trump. A strong candidate for this formidable opponent. This series of qualities not only makes her stand out in the election, but also indicates that if elected, she may lead the development of the United States from a more diverse and inclusive perspective.