There is no so-called "secret" in trading.

Those so-called secret skills have been repeatedly studied by predecessors. There is nothing new under the sun. Trading is like an ancient mountain. Many people think they have discovered some magical tricks, but they often realize a few years later that those so-called "new discoveries" have been walked through countless times by predecessors.

The core of trading is not innovation, but the continuous execution of proven systematic operations. If you are obsessed with finding "exclusive secrets", it is easy to breed arrogance, but you may fall into a dead loop, go around in circles, and see no way out in a few years.

The real challenge lies in understanding those simple principles. Many people cannot see the truth in the fog, and when they understand it, they may have paid expensive "tuition fees".

And those "secrets" are often right in front of us, but because of the lack of correct cognition and experience, their true value cannot be understood.

In the final analysis, what trading requires is the consistent execution of a system with positive expected value.

This understanding takes time, and with the accumulation of experience, the once simple words will have a new meaning.

The trading process is like a cycle from simple to complex and then back to simple. Only after repeated repetitions and reflections can we truly see through the essence of trading.