Rising as expected!! The big cake returns to above 61000

After the opening of the US stock market overnight, the big cake first faked a fall to lure in the shorts. After 0 o'clock, the bulldozer rising mode was turned on, and the highest reached around 61800 at around 4 o'clock. In the analysis of the previous few days, we were mainly bullish. Although it rose as expected, this wave of rise has not yet ended. It will fall after the leeks who are late to the party get on the train.

Yesterday we analyzed the intraday pressure level of 61500. If you hang a short order here, you are now profitable and have not been stopped. At present, you have made a small profit of about 600 points, but don't be greedy. It won't fall much here. Remember to stop when you see a good profit. If you really want to be greedy, set a break-even loss. If it rebounds again, you will not lose money, and you will make a lot of money if it falls.

Okay, back to today's analysis: From the K-line, the 1-hour level is a downward trend, and the 4-hour, 12-hour, and daily levels are upward trends. The intraday pressure level is 62759 and the support level is 59027.