ERC-6381, known as the Public Non-Fungible Token Emote Repository, is a proposed standard for interacting with non-fungible tokens using Unicode emojis. It operates as a public non-gated repository smart contract, which can be deployed on multiple networks at the same address. It allows users to express their impressions of an NFT using standardized emojis, thereby adding an interactive, feedback-based dimension to NFT ownership.

Potential use cases

Interactivity: ERC-6381 enhances NFT interactivity by allowing users to express their admiration or sentiment towards an NFT using emojis. This can create unique engagement experiences for NFT owners and foster a sense of community around the token.

Feedback-based evolution: Tracking on-chain reactions to NFTs allows for feedback-based evolution of NFTs. This can incentivize interactions with token collections and foster a more dynamic ownership experience.

Valuation: Emoting on NFTs can provide real-time indications of admiration or desirability, which can impact the value of the token. This could give potential buyers and sellers a more robust metric for estimating the value of a specific NFT, rather than relying solely on historical sale prices and market scarcity data.