1. Massive Job Revisions: U.S. job additions were revised lower by 818,000, the largest revision since 2009. 📉

2. Rising Unemployment: The unemployment rate is now at 4.3%, the highest since 2021. 📊

3. Consistent Downward Revisions: 5 out of the last 6 jobs reports have been revised lower. 📉

4. Multiple Jobs: A record number of Americans are now working multiple jobs to make ends meet. đŸ’Œ

5. Dollar Decline: The U.S. Dollar has lost 25% of its purchasing power in just 4 years. 💾

6. Credit Card Delinquencies: 11% of U.S. credit card balances are now delinquent, the highest in over a decade. 📈

đŸš© Is This a "Soft Landing?"

- Deficit Spending: U.S. deficit spending as a percentage of GDP is at World War 2 levels. 🛑

- Government Spending: Current government spending mirrors that of a major crisis situation.

❓ The Real Question:

Is this what the Fed meant by a "soft landing," or are we navigating through deeper economic troubles than expected?