
《Crisis is everywhere----ORDI just left the market》

There is still half an hour before the Federal Reserve releases the minutes of the monetary policy meeting. Keep an eye on Taco. Once the news comes out, we will inform fans and friends of the latest news and market direction as soon as possible.

ORDI, we have not moved since we covered our positions near 28.5. The position of reducing positions is set at around 30.6, and the highest rebound just now is 30.57.

It is also at this important moment when the meeting is announced that we successfully reduced our positions and improved our risk resistance. The smaller the risk, the greater the chance of profit.

After reducing positions, we need to cover positions. Now the pattern has not changed, and it is still an upward trend. The position of covering positions is temporarily set at around 28.4. If it falls below this position, we can go to around 24.8 to cover positions again.

At this time when the minutes of the Federal Reserve meeting are released, we must keep a clear mind and don’t get carried away. Right and wrong are all in one thought.

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