A freshman who has been trading cryptocurrencies for just over a month made 15,000 yuan in 3 days with 18,000 yuan of capital after getting in touch with the contract.

When I first started playing with contracts, I started with 200u. I didn’t know how to play it specifically, but I lost 160u in the first two transactions within 5 minutes. Later, I followed the investment advice and opened contracts. Slowly, the contract account increased from 60u to 100u, then to 400u, and finally to 1600u. No transaction was a loss anymore. I made 10,000+ RMB in just 3 days of contracts. The spot price was also rising at the same time, with a total profit of 15,000.

Then there was the big drop a week ago, which led to forced liquidation, and 1600u was gone. I was unwilling to accept it, so I sold part of the spot and opened a contract. I made another mistake in the volatile market and lost 500u for nothing.

The dealers always harvest the people who make contracts. No matter whether you are short or long, whether you make 10 times or 100 times, as long as you dare to make a contract, there is a possibility of liquidation, which is not uncommon in the market.

How can you make money in the stock market or currency country?

Let’s clarify two concepts: bankers and retail investors.

Stocks or virtual currencies are just a game played by bankers using price fluctuations to play with retail investors.

Someone said I know the dealer, so what can you do? The dealer said I am right here, so what can you do? Do you have a bigger team than the dealer? Do you have more money than the dealer? Do you have more information than the dealer? You have nothing, so what is the point of knowing that there is a dealer?

What we really need to understand is not concepts or news. The false and empty news we face every day is like a rope that pulls you to the south without you knowing the north.

What you really need to know is the data, the data of the bookmaker.

How to read the data of the banker? Whether it is stocks, foreign exchange, or the cryptocurrency circle, the most foolish thing is "volume".

Quantity x price = money = the money invested by the dealer!

If you know how much money the dealer has invested in a coin pair, at what cost, and how much profit the dealer intends to make, then you can relax and enjoy the benefits, and then walk away with the money.

It is easier said than done.

The difficulty is that you will be manipulated by a candlestick in front of you, running away where you should have held, and entering where you should have run. Often you will regret it afterwards: If I had not sold it at that time, if I had not been impulsive at that time, I would not have been trapped. I said this would rise, did you expect it to rise? I said this would fall, how fiercely did you expect it to fall.

But if it happens again, you will still choose to act impulsively and regret it, so hindsight is meaningless! It will only add to your emotional exhaustion.

The most fundamental reason is that you are not sure. Why are you not sure? Because you don’t understand the most basic logic.

What is logic? For example, what is the complete logic of life? Birth, adolescence, youth, middle age, and old age. This is the complete logic of life. So what is the logic of a coin? Rise and fall. When you see this, you will say, nonsense, I also know rise and fall. The key here is the node. At the age of 3, you should go to kindergarten, at the age of 20, you should get married, and at the age of 60, you should retire. This is the node. If a child is three years old, you will know: Oh, this child is going to kindergarten. Similarly, if you find that the K-line has reached the node where it should rise, you will know that you should buy it without hesitation.

The rise and fall can be divided into many nodes, namely, the four stages of accumulation, washing, pulling up, and distribution. If you can understand the accumulation stage, you are halfway to success. This can at least ensure that you will not lose money.

How does the currency country judge the entry of the banker? "The national wind vane: identify the banker with wisdom and accurately grasp the entry signal

1. Huge volume transactions: The entry of market makers is often accompanied by the influx of huge amounts of funds. Pay attention to those large buy or sell orders that suddenly appear and far exceed the usual trading volume. This is likely to be a sign that the market maker is testing the market reaction or building a large position. Once such abnormal trading activities are discovered, you should pay close attention to its subsequent trends, because the intervention of bookmakers often indicates that the market is about to usher in a round of violent fluctuations.

2. Price fluctuations: The entry of market makers is often accompanied by irrational price increases or decreases. If a currency has a large and sustained price fluctuation in a short period of time without obvious positive or negative news, it is very likely that the market makers are manipulating the market, creating panic or greed, and inducing retail investors to follow suit. At this time, investors need to analyze calmly, distinguish the truth from the false, and avoid blindly chasing the rise and fall.

3. Breakthrough after deep consolidation: Before entering the market, the dealer often conducts a period of washing and absorbing funds, which causes the currency price to enter a deep consolidation period. When the consolidation time is long enough, the range amplitude gradually narrows, and the trading volume shrinks to the ground, if there is a sudden large-scale upward attack or downward break and successfully breaks through the previous consolidation range, it is likely that the dealer has completed the layout and started to push the market direction to change.

Giving roses to others will leave a lingering fragrance on your hands. Thank you for your likes, attention, and forwarding! I wish you wealth and freedom in 2025!

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