🚀💡 Will The Simpsons strike again with a new prediction that will shake the cryptosphere? 💡🚀 In 2021, an episode hinted at a mind-blowing future for Bitcoin, suggesting that its value could reach... infinity! Yes, you read that right, infinity! 🤯

But this isn’t the first time that the cult series has surprised us with its visions of the future. Remember, in 2000, The Simpsons predicted that Donald Trump would become President of the United States, and history proved them right. And that’s not all! A few years later, an episode announced that Bengt R. Holmstrom, a Finnish economist, would win the Nobel Prize in Economics. As if by magic, that’s exactly what happened six years later!

Not to mention that famous prediction from 1998 where the series mentioned a merger between Fox and Disney... a merger that became reality in 2019 for the modest sum of 71 billion dollars!

With such incredible predictions, the question arises: is Bitcoin really destined to reach dizzying heights, even infinite? One thing is certain, in a world where the value of traditional currencies continues to erode, Bitcoin $BTC could well be the key to an unprecedented financial revolution.


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