BAND Market Express

Short-term trend: 1H to 4H levels are bullish, 1.0981 is the key resistance and needs to be paid special attention.

Solid support: The lower support is solid, 1.0790, 1.0581 and 1.0206 respectively.

Rebound outlook: The upward target is clear, pointing directly to 1.1255 and 1.1534, and 1.2637 in the long run.

Operation strategy: The bull market atmosphere is strong, and the position change and band operation need to be carefully arranged to avoid missing the opportunity for rising. Steady operation is the key.

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Again, the picture 🍜Wealth code #BANDUSDT #BAND.24小时交易策略 #BAND.智能策略库 #BAND.每日智能策略 #BAND