1. Rapid rise and slow fall means accumulation of chips. Rapid rise but slow fall indicates that the dealer is accumulating chips and preparing for the next round of rise.

2. A fast fall but a slow rise means that the market is selling. A fast fall but a slow rise means that the market makers are gradually selling and the market is about to enter a falling cycle!

3. Don’t sell when the top volume increases, and run away when the top volume decreases. If the top volume is large, the price may continue to rise; but if the top volume shrinks, it means that the upward momentum is insufficient, so leave the market as soon as possible.

4. Don’t buy when the volume increases at the bottom, but you can buy when the volume continues to increase. A large volume at the bottom may be a downward relay, which needs to be observed; a continuous increase in volume indicates that funds are continuously flowing in, so you can consider buying.

5. Cryptocurrency speculation is all about emotions, and consensus is trading volume. Market sentiment determines currency price fluctuations, and trading volume reflects market consensus and investor behavior! If you still don’t know how to play, follow the homepage and learn together!

The trend of the cryptocurrency market is full of uncertainties and challenges, but it also contains potential opportunities. When investing in the cryptocurrency market, investors should fully understand the relevant risks, remain calm and rational, and respond to market changes with a steady strategy!