INJ today's market expert analysis:

Multitude: 1H, 2H, 4H are all bullish, with a core price of 18.375.

Rebound outlook: short-term target 18.794, further 19.143, ultimate 19.910; if not broken, be alert to the risk of turning bearish.

Solid support: The lower supports are 17.933, 17.492, and 17.259 respectively.

Spot strategy: Spot holders do not need to worry about short-term fluctuations, and the long-term outlook remains optimistic.

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Again, the picture 🍜Wealth code #INJ $INJ #INJ.智能策略库🥇🥇 #INJ—24小时交易策略 #INJ、每日智能策略 #美联储何时降息?