ICO (Initial Coin Offering):

- An ICO is a way to raise funding by issuing a new digital currency.

- Early stage investing is where investors buy a future cryptocurrency using existing currencies, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum.

The price of the new digital currency is determined based on supply and demand during the ICO period.

IDO (initial dexterity presentation):

An IDO is the issuance of a new digital currency on a decentralized cryptocurrency trading platform (Dexterity).

- IDO allows investors to obtain the new digital currency when they buy it using other cryptocurrencies.

- An IDO can have advantages in terms of decentralization and ease of access.

IEO (Initial Sukuk Offering):

- An IEO is a model where a cryptocurrency project collaborates with a specific exchange platform to launch its currency.

Investors can buy cryptocurrency using their accounts on a common exchange platform, and the instruments are usually launched at a set price.

IEOs are considered a bit safer compared to traditional ICOs.

In conclusion, each of these primary operations models differs in its structure and currency distribution mechanism, and investors should carefully study each model and understand the characteristics and risks associated with it.