$DOGS: The story of listing on Binance within a month Project origin: $DOGS was created on Telegram on July 4, and the activity officially started on July 9. The project was inspired by the dog pattern of Telegram founder Pavel Durov. The project quickly attracted a large number of Telegram users through the "airdrop" method, with hundreds of thousands of people participating in just one day. The project is popular: On July 10, $DOGS became completely popular in the Chinese community. Because the airdrop amount is linked to the year of the Telegram account, coupled with the previous Ton ecological boom driven by $NOT, a large number of Chinese users flocked to it. By July 11, the number of users of the $DOGS mini program exceeded 2 million. User explosion: On July 12, $DOGS opened an official Twitter account @realDogsHouse

, and millions of people followed it in just a few days. At the same time, the number of mini program users soared to 10 million. The project also added a coin sale activity, with a price of about US$0.017 per coin. This caused some dissatisfaction in the community, who felt that the official sale of coins was inappropriate. Response to the community: On July 15, $DOGS announced that it would donate all the $309,569.83 it received from the sale of coins to charity. This move once again aroused the enthusiasm of the community. Subsequently, Bitget Exchange launched a sign-in to earn coins activity, and the number of $DOGS users exceeded 20 million. Established position: In just 6 days, $DOGS became the leader in the Ton applet ecosystem. Although there are some competitors, such as Catizen and OKX guessing games, $DOGS has gained a foothold with a large number of users. Exchange listing: In August, many well-known exchanges such as Bitget, Bybit, Gate and Binance successively launched $DOGS, further enhancing its popularity. Summary: The $DOGS project attracted tens of millions of users with just a few days of airdrop activities and successfully listed on Binance within a month. Traffic determines everything. No matter what others think, this has become a fact. $DOGS Token Economy: 81.5% allocated to the community (no lock-up period): 73% of which went to Telegram OGs, who earned $DOGS through the mini-program The rest was used to reward traders, sticker creators, and future community members 10% was allocated to the team and future development, the majority of which will be gradually released over 12 months 8.5% was used for liquidity and listing activities on exchanges Total Supply: 550 billion $DOGS