📉History repeats itself, the bull fog caught me off guard again! 😂

Last week, I was ambitious to aim at 62000, but it only touched 61800 and then took a sharp turn, sliding down like a waterfall;

Today, I rekindled my hope at 62000, but I unexpectedly encountered resistance again when I turned to 61400, and staged a diving drama again!

🤔Life and the stock market are so similar! Full of longing, what you often gain is unexpected disappointment. Perhaps, learning to let go and take things as they come is the true meaning of investment. 🍃

🔍From a technical perspective, on the four-hour chart, the short-term upward trend line is still stable, but vigilance is indispensable. The focus shifts to the daily line. Whether it can stand firmly above 59800 will become the key tomorrow. 👀

Adjust your mentality, follow the trend, and let the market lead us forward! 🚀

We share this valuable information with everyone unconditionally. If we have the same goal, then let us go hand in hand! ! !

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