Ladies and folks, long time no see, how are you?

I haven't brought a 10u contract diary for a long time. I'll update it for everyone when I have time recently

Principal 15u

Remaining 15u

Floating profit 6u Floating loss 0u

Number of transactions 2

#CRV #SLPUSDT The market has been sluggish recently and most of them can be bearish. I picked a few to play with. The profit is still good. I will sell them when the psychological price is reached!

#DOGS现已开放提现 I don't know how much everyone has received. Please leave a message to see if there is Haidilao. I am still looking forward to Binance's listing on the 26th

Previous airdrop projects; 【币安空投】Binance Web3 钱包 × CARV

【零投入】Binance Web3 钱包 × phairdrop