What rank are you in in the currency circle?

There are many similarities between the currency circle and the game world. It is easy to enter the currency circle. There are no hard requirements such as academic qualifications and assets. Everyone can participate. The difficulty is to continue to improve your rank. Let’s take a look at your current rank. , what rank are you in in the currency circle?

1. Look at the K-line, look at the data, look at the trading volume. 2. Switch from spot to contract. 3. The contract has been liquidated more than once. 4. I have found my own rhythm in the contract, which is both bitter and sweet. 5. Be able to read the data on the contract, refer to expert data, and combine various data with your own judgment. Don't sell if you don't rush high, don't buy if you don't dive, and don't trade sideways. 6. I gave up spot trading completely and only focused on contracts. I was confident in reading the market and occasionally received negative education. 7. Never stubbornly carry an order, and clearly understand that even if you occasionally get it right a few times but make a mistake once, it will be harmonious. 8. Understand the trend, and everything will follow the trend. Making money is just work, and losing money is just an accident. 9. The mentality is normal and the mood is indifferent. You can make seven or eight out of ten orders. The mistakes are also small orders. The basic operation is normal.

If you use the rank in the game to represent your status in the currency circle, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Star Glory, Strongest King, King of Glory, what rank are you currently in?

Although there are no hard requirements in the currency circle, everyone can participate, but it goes without saying that if your personal rank is low, the probability of losing money is very high. Improve your rank and reduce the probability of losing money; practice it repeatedly, and keep learning and summarizing. Improve your rank and develop better in the currency circle.

Come on friends! I am Brother Ming. I have been in the trading market for more than ten years. Welcome to flirt! Choice is greater than effort, the circle determines destiny!