After eight years of cryptocurrency trading, I have experienced ups and downs, with mixed profits and losses. After deep reflection, I have extracted eight golden rules, which I would like to illuminate the way forward for friends who are new to the cryptocurrency circle:

1. Do not enter the market impulsively: Do not be anxious and blindly follow the trend when hearing that others are making profits. You should first lay a solid foundation, deeply understand the operating mechanism of cryptocurrency trading, and then carefully consider capital investment.

2. Avoid blindly chasing ups and downs: Do not follow the trend and blindly follow the market craze. Make rational judgments and wait patiently for the best entry time to avoid taking over at high positions or cutting meat at low positions.

3. Diversify investments and reduce risks: Remember "don't put all your eggs in one basket". Through diversified investments, diversify risks and build a solid defense line for asset security.

4. Set stop losses and strictly abide by discipline: clarify your risk tolerance and set a reasonable stop loss point. Once it is touched, leave the market decisively to protect the principal from greater losses.

5. Continue to learn and refuse to follow blindly: delve into the knowledge of the cryptocurrency circle, pay attention to industry trends, and listen to the opinions of professionals. Stay away from unconfirmed rumors and gossip, and use rationality to guide decision-making.

6. Be content with what you have and stop profit at the right time: When facing profits, keep a clear mind and don't let greed blind your eyes. Lock in some profits at the right time to avoid losing more due to greed.

7. Emotional management and calm response: Market fluctuations are normal, and it is crucial to maintain a calm mentality. Don't blindly sell because of others' panic, and don't impulsively chase high because of market frenzy.

8. Be patient and make long-term plans: Wealth accumulation is not a one-day effort. You need to be friends with time and make patient plans. Abandon the fantasy of getting rich overnight and move forward steadily to have the last laugh in the currency circle.

We share this valuable information with you unconditionally. If we have the same goal, let's go hand in hand! ! !

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