CZ is about to be released from prison, 40 days away!

CZ's release date is September 29, not August 30 as rumored online!

Let's sort it out for everyone:

On April 30, U.S. District Judge Richard Jones sentenced CZ to four months in Seattle Jail and recommended that he enter Seatac, a prison and administratively secure federal detention center. Many observers apparently believed that CZ entered Seatac on the same day, which would make August 30 his release date.

In fact, CZ's lawyers from well-known law firms Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, Davis Wright Tremaine, and Latham & Watkins worked hard to ensure that CZ got a few weeks of extra freedom. According to public information, CZ will be released from prison on September 29th#币安Web3钱包 #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #美国7月PPI低于预期 #WBTC #杰克逊霍尔年会 $BTC