Wake up! ! Bitcoin stood at $60,000 as expected

In yesterday's analysis, we said that Bitcoin was suppressed by the daily M20, but the market outlook is still promising. In the rebound after the decline, the first rebound charge is usually not passed, and it takes multiple charges to stand firm, and it will definitely break through again. Sure enough, this morning Bitcoin broke through 60,000 in one go. The breakthrough is often in an instant, and happiness comes too fast.

Another thing happened yesterday, that is, the "two highs" issued the latest judicial interpretation to clarify the identification standards for money laundering crimes, one of which includes "virtual assets". The "Interpretation" lists "virtual asset" transactions as one of the money laundering methods. It is clear that the transfer and conversion of criminal proceeds and their benefits through "virtual asset" transactions and financial asset exchange methods can be identified as "covering up and concealing the source and nature of criminal proceeds and their benefits in other ways" as stipulated in Article 191, paragraph 1, item 5 of the Criminal Law.

Once this fermented, it also caused a small panic. At night, it fell to 58,000 again. The dealer also took the opportunity to absorb the goods, forming a double bottom within the day. You don’t have to worry about the definition of this judicial interpretation. As long as you are speculating in cryptocurrencies normally, and not using virtual currencies to do bad things, these are irrelevant to us, don’t care.

Back to today’s market analysis: From the K-line, the 1-hour level is an upward trend (but there are also peak signals, be careful) 4-hour and 12-hour levels are upward market trends, and the daily level market shows that it has just entered an upward trend from sideways trading. The intraday pressure level is 62,700 and the support level is 58,080.

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