Pioneering the Future of Decentralized Finance


Use-Cases: Staking DApp , CyberScan Explorer , Multi-Chain Swap , Layer-Zero , Yield Farming , NFT Staking

%15 Buy-Back From Collected BNB.

About (C-DAO)

C-DAO represents a holistic solution designed to address the multifaceted challenges encountered by cryptocurrency investors. It goes beyond offering isolated services and instead provides a comprehensive DeFi ecosystem that encompasses asset management, liquidity provision, and yield farming under one unified platform.

Techology & Architecture

Blockchain Foundation: C-DAO places a premium on transaction speed and cost-effectiveness.

Smart Contracts: Smart contracts are the heart of C-DAO, enabling automated, trustless interactions.

Decentralized Governance: C-DAO's governance model ensures the community's active participation in decision-making processes.


🔨 5 Days - %10

🔨 15 Days - %25

🔨 30 Days - %110

Benefits of C-DAO Dapp Staking

• Steady Income Stream

• Risk Mitigation

• Diversification

• Community Engagement

Application with an Attractive API

• Simplified Integration

• Customization

• Scalability

• Reliable Data Feed

  1. #ETH #crypto2023 #Layer2