Legendary Bitcoin Pizza Event in the Cryptocurrency Circle:

In the early days of Bitcoin, due to the economic depression, a man bought two pizzas with 10,000 Bitcoins. This event was regarded as the first real transaction of Bitcoin. Today, the value of these 10,000 Bitcoins has exceeded $500 million, becoming a legend in the cryptocurrency circle

To succeed in the cryptocurrency circle, you must not only have wisdom, courage, courage, and wisdom, but also the ability to seize opportunities. Now the opportunity has come, that is, the airdrop event launched by CARV and web3 wallet. You can get currency and gain income by signing in

CARV is a decentralized protocol that mainly allows owners to manage their own data, which is safer and simpler

The most important thing is its income. CARV is revolutionizing the use and sharing of data in the gaming and AI fields. CARV's modular data layer, the CARV protocol, facilitates seamless data exchange and value distribution. This enables individuals to own, control, verify and profit from their data. By ensuring privacy, ownership and control, it creates a future where data creates value for everyone.

Once CARV is officially launched in the future, I believe it will soar to the sky and become another legend in the cryptocurrency circle

#CARV释放数据潜力 #BinanceWeb3Airdrop