
Friends I have been trading for last 5 years and today I want to share with you guys my very bad trading experience.

Hopefully someone else like me can avoid making this mistake and wasting hard earned money

Friends and you, we all want to increase our income in some way in order to manage our business and economy in a good way

To improve and for this we look for new opportunities, when we find new opportunities we try to get our money as soon as possible.

Invest to get quick returns.

But the truth has been said by someone who said that quick work is of the devil.

Something similar happened to me as I was thinking of investing in an upcoming new coin to maximize my profits.

I could meet the requirements efficiently and I invested some of my money in this coin, when I saw in a few days that

That coin is getting more and more expensive so I then put some more of my money into that coin and wait for that coin to drop.

If available I would sell it and take my profit, and the day it was launched because it was the first time for me and I knew that like me

A lot of people who have invested in it will sell it very quickly and then the coin will come down, so I quickly

I sold this coin as per the instructions given to me by moving this coin from this forum to another wallet and I sold it.

So I copied the address of this wallet and then immediately pasted it on the forum where I had that coin and I got a verification message.

On my mobile which I confirmed and then that coin moved from this forum to another wallet,

But I didn't get those coins on the desired wallet, I asked for help from this forum and they did what I knew on the forum.

The sale process is going on with high speed which may be due to network problem, please contact after some time and

I also kept silent thinking that we will see when it will come and I kept checking the wallet again and again, but finally that day passed and I had it.

Those coins did not come in the wallet.

The next day I checked the wallet again but there were no coins on it and I went to my previous forum where I bought those coins and I had them.

Asked them for help where those coins were, got the same answer as the previous day, but they asked me a few questions,

Like you sent the coin to which wallet to which address,

Please pay attention to this.

When I went to that wallet and I copied the address of the desired chain of that wallet to send it to my forum.

I found something wrong, I noticed that when I was copying the address of the desired chain, it was copied, but when I

If I paste it somewhere else, it pastes another address, and I understand that it is a hacker or a virus in my system.

, and when I checked with some software, it was found that some viruses called Tarzan were present in my system.

Which were made by low-level thieves we call hackers who steal the property of poor people like us.

Friends, all this is explained to you, so please do everything with great care instead of acting in haste.

Especially when sending money or coins to another network or address, check each letter carefully to make sure you are sending something to the correct address and network.

Or a thief is sitting in the middle.

If I get a chance, I will tell you what else happened to me in these 5 years

Will take care of myself

Asker of prayers

Allah Hafiz

thank you