Breaking news! China may have another "94"

You must pay attention to this big news and manage your positions well.

The latest news, according to the official WeChat public account of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, on the morning of August 19, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate jointly held a press conference and issued the "Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Laws in Handling Criminal Cases of Money Laundering". The "Interpretation" will be implemented from August 20, 2024. Among them, "virtual asset" transactions are listed as one of the methods of money laundering. It is clearly stated that those who transfer the proceeds of crime through "virtual asset" transactions and financial asset exchanges can be identified as "concealing the source and nature of the proceeds of crime and its proceeds in other ways."

If there is another "94", there will be a tragic plunge. At this time, if you want to invest, you should still focus on 0. Among them, I recommend CARV.

CARV has gone through three rounds of financing, with a total amount of 50 million US dollars. In the first round of official activities, users were rewarded with 2 million US dollars, and in the second round of official activities, users were rewarded with 500,000 US dollars. Binance Web3 wallet tasks, 1 million tokens, are estimated to be one million US dollars. So who is this rich project that spends money casually?

CARV is a data layer project that hopes to confirm the ownership of user data, let users master their own data sovereignty, and fully release the value of user data. The CARV protocol has been developed, and future products must be formulated in accordance with the standards of the CARV protocol. It has broad prospects in the future and has mastered the right to speak in this track in advance. It is an absolute leading project.

CARV protocol already has two products, namely CARV PLAY, a game platform, and CARV AI, a user investment tool. The former is a game distribution platform and community that connects different games and users to generate massive interactive data, and the latter is an investment assistance tool that helps users stand out in the complex Web3. As long as users use these two products of CARV, they can obtain economic value. At the same time, these data will also profile users and obtain unique ID authentication in the future Web3 world.

@CARV #CARV释放数据潜力 #BinanceWeb3Airdrop